How to Accept License Agreement in Android Sdk Mac

How to Accept License Agreement in Android Sdk Mac

I installed Android SDK Build Tools 24 (this is the current version 24.0.3) through the SDK Manager. The path to the open sdk Manager appears in the attached IMG file. This solved my SDK Manager problem If you have accepted license agreements on one workstation but want to build your projects on another, you can export your licenses by copying the directory of accepted licenses. To copy the licenses to another computer, follow these steps: Note that this feature is automatically disabled for builds that you run in Android Studio because the SDK Manager handles the download of missing packages for the IDE. You can also manually disable this feature by setting android.builder.sdkDownload=false in your project`s file. C:Users{your-username}AppDataLocalAndroidsdk oolsinsdkmanager –licenses The sdk manager utility guides you through the licenses that must be accepted. If you run a build from the command line or if you are using Android Studio 3.3 or later, Gradle can automatically download the missing SDK packages on which a project depends, provided that the corresponding SDK license agreements have already been accepted with sdk Manager. @smitthakkar96 These licenses must have already been downloaded to the android-sdk-home/licenses directory. That`s why he complains that you didn`t accept the license agreement, but in reality you didn`t install the SDK packages for that API layer, but you accept the license yourself. Then you can run (the licensing option is not available unless you did the step above) I found the fix as there are two missing packages called Google Repository and Android Repository. You can use the Android SDK command to access the Android SDK Manager and go to the Tools folder where you can select and install both packages. The problem is resolved. You may encounter this error even after entering y in answer to the question: Accept the license `android-sdk-license-c81a61d9` [y/n]:y.

So we need to consider why this error occurs? Due to this error, we cannot compile our project. In this article, we are going to talk about how they can resolve this error using five different methods. But before we jump straight to the solutions, let`s first see something about the Android SDK. Verify that the Google APIs 23.0.1 in Android Studio accept all licenses with sdkmanager –license (If you don`t see a license/directory, go back to Android Studio and update your SDK tools, make sure you accept the license agreements. When you return to the Android SDK home directory, you should now see the directory.) In my case (Dockerfile script to create an Android Ci container – I had to follow these steps: You have to manually reinstall the SDK to help me: Go to this directory and find the licenses/directories it contains. Open the “sdkmanager.bat –update” from the command line, then select “Y”, type and wait for the finish. For example, I use the command line to enter the directory: “E:android-sdk_r24.4.1-windowsandroid-sdk-windowstoolsbin”, then I type: sdkmanager.bat –update I`m not sure how cordova works, but once the licenses are accepted, it creates a file. You can create this file manually. It is described in this question, but here are the commands to create the required license file. @SKempin Just run $$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager “platforms;android-26” and accept it. I solved this problem by simply installing these components in “Android 7.0 (API 24)”: SDK Platform Google Apis Sources for Android SDK I added the following: E:android-sdk_r24.4.1-windowsandroid-sdk-windowstools; E:android-sdk_r24.4.1-windowsandroid-sdk-windowsplatform-tools The easiest way to fix this problem is to accept licenses with the following command: I use cordova push plugin plugin for push notifications I have Google Repository and Google Play Services packages installed by Android SDK Manager, but every time I run ionic build android to build, gives me the following error. If you are using the Android SDK Manager GUI and the license is still rejected, try this that worked for me: In fact, you can simply go to cmd where you installed the SDK and run cd to tools /bin in the example: ./sdkmanager “platforms;android-26” and accept the license with y %ANDROID_HOME% is the path to the SDK.

By default, it is located in: C:UsersUserNameAppDataLocalandroidSdk. If you moved the SDK to another directory location, you can perform the following steps: This problem occurs if there is already an older version of SDK Manager on the computer from which the Android build approach is changed, which requires Android Studio. I was confronted in Visual Studio with the repeated error message “You have not accepted the license for version 25”. The solution to this is “Install Android Studio”, then “Go to Environment Variables” and set the ANDROID_HOME to “C:UsersAppDataLocalAndroidSdk” (This path can be selected from Android Studio, Menu >> Tools >> SDK Manager. Use the same in the “path” of environment variables. This maps the new SDK manager for Visual Studio to Build for Cordova app collection. To update the selected packages, click Apply or OK, and then accept all license agreements. I get the following error when I try to install an Android platform on a Cordova project.

I followed this guide: None of the above solutions worked for me and finally this single line accepted all Android licenses. Try again and build again, again, Jenkins gives “unaccepted licenses”, then you need to grant full permission to your “SDK” directory and all its parent directories. Here is the order: It will ask you to accept all the agreements that still need to be accepted. Simply type and type “y”. Go to C:Users{user}AppDataLocalAndroidsdk oolsin (your Android SDK Tools folder) You can also follow the “official” route. Run “sdkmanager –licenses” in the tools/bin folder of the Android SDK installation and accept all licenses. Ready! At some point, you will be asked for the license agreement, press y. After that, you need to remove the square platform. This behavior can occur if you installed the SDK but did not accept the license agreement. To resolve this issue, simply accept the terms of the SDK component. To accept the terms and conditions, you can use an sdkmanager command-line tool.

You can fix the problem in 2 steps: Settings > Android Studio > Appearance and Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK Mark the latest versions of Android and click Apply. At this point, Android will ask you to accept its licenses and install the updated version(s). You can now create/run Ionic/Cordova/PhoneGap. This will update your Android SDK and accept the license at the same time (for example.B. for Android 25): Note: Accepting license agreements with the Android command-line tool will not create this license directory. You must first accept agreements with the SDK Manager to use this feature. There was a problem with the configuration of the root project `android`. You have not accepted the license agreements for the following SDK components: [Android SDK Platform 24]. Mike`s answer works. However, you must place the generated license under C:UsersuserAppDataLocalAndroidsdklicenses.

and accept the license (in my case, however, I didn`t have to) 📝 If the ANDROID_HOME environment variable is not set, take a look at this guide: If someone is still facing the problem, please follow the link for the solution For me, I have the Ionic with the command “ionic build android” and I got the same problem! The solution was simply that created a license directory and added a file called android-sdk-license. You have not accepted the license agreements for the following SDK components: [Google Repository]. Before you build your project, you must accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager. Alternatively, to learn how to transfer license agreements from one workstation to another, go to Copy the entire / license directory and paste it into the Android SDK home directory on the computer where you want to create your projects. The error occurs when you run the cordova platform add android – save I just encountered this problem, and what it solved for me on Windows, you use the command line, and you recently installed the Android SDK, you need to restart the command prompt or Power Shell after installing the Android SDK.. .

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